Rev Your Engines for the Motorcycle Permit Practice Test 2024 – Ride Your Way to Success!

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When carrying a passenger, how should they steady themselves?

Hold onto their own helmet

Place their hands in their pockets

Lean back and relax

Hold the driver

When carrying a passenger on a motorcycle, it is important for the passenger to hold onto the driver for stability and safety. This helps ensure that the passenger maintains proper balance with the movements of the motorcycle and helps the driver maintain control. Holding onto the driver also allows the passenger to communicate with the driver easily if needed. Therefore, option D is the correct answer. Options A, B, and C are incorrect because they do not provide the necessary support and stability for the passenger while riding on a motorcycle. Holding onto their own helmet, placing hands in pockets, or leaning back and relaxing can all be dangerous actions that can lead to instability and increased risk of accidents.


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